By Keith Farrell - Fallen Rook Publishing
Fallen Rook Publishing is a company based in Scotland that has a strong interest in helping the international HEMA community grow and develop, supporting practitioners, instructors and events with scholarly books, facsimiles and reproductions of both historical fencing treatises and contextual history books.
We provide an opportunity for researchers and instructors to develop books, DVDs and other published teaching materials. Since there are very few traditional publishers in the western martial arts community, we intend to help generate more written material of a scholarly nature and to bring more teaching materials to the community at large. By providing editing services for authors, we hope to improve the level of quality in works that would otherwise be self-published.
Our best-selling title to date is the AHA German Longsword Study Guide by Keith Farrell and Alex Bourdas, which has become the default beginner’s guide for many longsword clubs in Europe and North America. It is also an award-winning book, with the authors winning the HEMA Scholar Award for Best Instructor for research published in this book in 2013.
Showing 1-14 of 14 item(s)
2015 - Topics in this anthology include chivalry, history and research, studies of weapons, test cutting, and practical HEMA concerns.
An investigation of the Company of Liechtenauer, tracing their connections and influences through archival records spanning more than a century.
Philipp Müller’s original 1847 treatise on military sabre is translated for the first time into English.
This was one of the first concise and systematic treatises on the typically German style of rapier fencing.